放大倍率Magnification 10-30x
镜体材料Body material 铝合金
胶皮材料Armor material 橡胶(NBR+PVC)
颜色Color 黑色
物镜口径Objective lens φ50
目镜口径Ocular lens φ20
出瞳直径Exit pupil φ6. 2mm~φ2.3mm±10%
出瞳距离Exit pupil distance (mm) 22mm~16.5mm
视场范围Field of view (°) 4.4°~1.7°
视场范围Field of view (at 1000M) 76m~30m
视场范围Field of view (at 1000yds) 228ft~90ft
视度系统Diopter system Right diopter ring
瞳距可调范围Interpupillary distance 58~ 73mm
调焦方式Focus System 中调Center Focus
调焦透镜Focusing lens 目镜调焦Eye.
视度可调范围 Diopter compensation ﹣4 To +4 Diopter
调焦范围Focusing Adjustment ﹣4 To +8 Diopter
棱镜系统Prism System Paul prism
棱镜材料Prism Glass Material K9
光学组成 Optical Configuration
物镜组成Objective lens 2E1G(即2片1组)
目镜组成Ocular lens 4E3G(即4片3组)
透镜类型Lens Type Spherical Lens(球面)
光学材料Optical Material 光学玻璃(AII optical glass)
透镜镀膜Lens coating
镀膜条件Coating Condition 目镜、物镜镀宽带绿膜.
镀膜规格Coating Spec. 420-680nm,R <05%(AVG)、420-680nm,R <1.0%(ABS蓝膜550nm (MGF2)。
棱镜镀膜 prism coating
入射面镀膜 Coating Condition 蓝膜
镀膜规格Coating Spec. 550nm (MGF2)
防水,防雾Water/Fogproof □Yes ■No
气体填充Gas Flled □Nitrogen □其他
眼杯类型Eye cup
类型Type ■Twist up □Fold down
材质Material 橡胶(NBR)
目镜盖eye caps
类型Type ■连体式 □单体式 □其他
材质Material 橡胶(NBR+PVC)
物镜盖obj. Cover
类型Type: ■连体式 □单体式 □其他
材质. Material 橡胶(NBR+PVC)
适合三脚架Adapt to tripod ■Yes □No
肩带strap ■Yes □No
软包soft case
类型Type □中性 ■专有 □其他
材质. Material 120D牛津布包
类型Type □中性 ■专有 □其他
材质. Material 25mm宽织带
擦镜布cleaning cloth ■Yes □No
操作手册instruction manual ■Yes □No
包装packaging ■Yes □No